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[Unreal Engine] Unreal Engine 5 / Visual Studio C++ 개발 환경 설정 언리얼 엔진 5 개발 환경 설정 세팅 본문
[Unreal Engine] Unreal Engine 5 / Visual Studio C++ 개발 환경 설정 언리얼 엔진 5 개발 환경 설정 세팅
polarcompass 2023. 8. 21. 01:39출처
학습 페이지
UE 5.1 & Visual Studio 2022 installation guide | Community tutorial
Integrating Visual Studio 2022 with Unreal Engine 5.1 can trip up some beginners since previous UE 4 C++ tutorials don't use live coding . The informati...
버전 테이블
제품명 | 버전 |
Unreal Engine 5 | 5.1.1 |
Visual Studio | 2022 |
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Visual Commander - Modern alternative to Visual Studio macros
Visual Commander The freemium Visual Commander extension lets you automate repetitive tasks in Visual Studio 2022/2019/2017 and SSMS 17/2016. You can reuse existing Visual Studio macros from previous versions of the IDE and create new commands and extensio
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GitHub - hackalyze/ue4-vs-extensions: Useful UE4 Visual Studio extensions.
Useful UE4 Visual Studio extensions. Contribute to hackalyze/ue4-vs-extensions development by creating an account on GitHub.
";" 세미콜론 입력시 변수가 지워지는 문제가 있어서 "AfterKeyPress" 함수 부분을 수정했다.
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class E : VisualCommanderExt.IExtension
private EnvDTE80.DTE2 _DTE;
private EnvDTE80.TextDocumentKeyPressEvents _textDocumentKeyPressEvents;
private static readonly string MACRO_REGEX = @"^(?<leading_whitespace>[\s]*)(UPROPERTY|UFUNCTION|GENERATED_(USTRUCT_|UCLASS_|(U|I)INTERFACE_)?BODY)\(.*";
private static readonly string TEXT_WITH_WS_REGEX = @"(?<leading_whitespace>[\s]*)\S+";
private CommandEvents _pasteEvent;
private string _beforeText;
private int _numSelectedLines;
public void SetSite(DTE2 DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package package) {
EnvDTE80.Events2 events2 = (EnvDTE80.Events2)DTE.Events;
_textDocumentKeyPressEvents = events2.get_TextDocumentKeyPressEvents(null);
_textDocumentKeyPressEvents.AfterKeyPress += AfterKeyPress;
var pasteGuid = typeof(VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID).GUID.ToString("B");
var pasteID = (int)VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID.Paste;
_pasteEvent = _DTE.Events.CommandEvents[pasteGuid, pasteID];
_pasteEvent.BeforeExecute += BeforePaste;
_pasteEvent.AfterExecute += AfterPaste;
public void Close() {
_textDocumentKeyPressEvents.AfterKeyPress -= AfterKeyPress;
_pasteEvent.AfterExecute -= AfterPaste;
_pasteEvent.BeforeExecute -= BeforePaste;
private string GetActiveDocumentText() {
TextDocument doc = (TextDocument)(_DTE.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument"));
var editPoint = doc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint();
return editPoint.GetText(doc.EndPoint);
private void BeforePaste(string Guid, int ID, Object CustomIn, Object CustomOut, ref bool CancelDefault) {
_beforeText = GetActiveDocumentText();
TextSelection sel = (TextSelection)_DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection;
_numSelectedLines = sel.Text.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length;
private void AfterPaste(string Guid, int ID, Object CustomIn, Object CustomOut) {
string afterText = GetActiveDocumentText();
string[] beforeLines = _beforeText.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] afterLines = afterText.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
int pasteLength = (afterLines.Length - beforeLines.Length) + _numSelectedLines;
TextSelection sel = (TextSelection)_DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection;
var editPoint = sel.ActivePoint.CreateEditPoint();
bool underMacro = false;
string lastWhiteSpace = "";
bool openedUndoContext = false;
int startPasteLine = sel.ActivePoint.Line - pasteLength;
int macroLineNum = startPasteLine + 1;
// Search up the document from the start of our paste until we find a line with text on it
// so we can then determine if this line contains a macro we care about
while (--macroLineNum >= 1) {
string macroLine = editPoint.GetLines(macroLineNum, macroLineNum + 1);
if (!Regex.IsMatch(macroLine, @"\S+")) {
var macroMatch = Regex.Match(macroLine, MACRO_REGEX);
if (macroMatch.Success) {
underMacro = true;
lastWhiteSpace = macroMatch.Groups["leading_whitespace"].ToString();
if (!_DTE.UndoContext.IsOpen) {
openedUndoContext = true;
// Open the UndoContext so all of our changes can be undone with a single undo
_DTE.UndoContext.Open("FixUE4MacroIndents", false);
try {
for (int onLine = startPasteLine; onLine < afterLines.Length; onLine++) {
var line = afterLines[onLine];
// We only need to potentially fix the newly pasted lines
if (onLine >= startPasteLine + pasteLength) {
sel.GotoLine(onLine, false);
if (underMacro) {
var varMatch = Regex.Match(line, TEXT_WITH_WS_REGEX);
if (varMatch.Success && varMatch.Groups["leading_whitespace"].ToString() != lastWhiteSpace) {
sel.GotoLine(onLine + 1, false);
underMacro = false;
// This line has been modified, so change it for the MACRO_REGEX matching below
line = lastWhiteSpace + line.Trim();
// Its important to check if the current line is a macro
// even if we just fixed the spacing of the current line
var macroMatch = Regex.Match(line, MACRO_REGEX);
if (macroMatch.Success) {
underMacro = true;
lastWhiteSpace = macroMatch.Groups["leading_whitespace"].ToString();
} else if (Regex.Match(line, @"\S+").Success) {
underMacro = false;
} finally {
if (openedUndoContext) {
private void AfterKeyPress(string key, TextSelection sel, bool completion) {
// Only semicolons or carriage returns should cause an indentation that need to be fixed
if (key != ";" && key != "\r") {
// Make sure we're using smart indent
EnvDTE.Properties textEditorC = _DTE.get_Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++");
if ((int)textEditorC.Item("IndentStyle").Value != 2) {
if (key == ";") {
// Make sure we're auto-formatting on semicolons
//EnvDTE.Properties textEditorCSpecific = _DTE.get_Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++ Specific");
//if (!(bool)textEditorCSpecific.Item("AutoFormatOnSemicolon").Value) {
// return;
var doc = _DTE.ActiveDocument;
var editPoint = sel.ActivePoint.CreateEditPoint();
string macroLine = null;
var macroLineNum = sel.ActivePoint.Line;
// Search up the document from our current line until we find a line with text on it
// so we can then determine if this line contains a macro we care about
var found = false;
while (--macroLineNum >= 1) {
macroLine = editPoint.GetLines(macroLineNum, macroLineNum + 1);
if (!Regex.IsMatch(macroLine, @"\S+")) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
var macroMatch = Regex.Match(macroLine, MACRO_REGEX);
if (macroMatch.Success) {
// Goto and select our current line, can't do this in a single GotoLine call for some reason
sel.GotoLine(sel.ActivePoint.Line, false);
// sel.SelectLine();
if (Regex.IsMatch(sel.Text, @"\S+")) {
// If the line below the macro has text, undo the indent it just did
// doc.Undo();
} else {
// If the line below the macro is empty, add matching whitespace to the beginning of this line to match it up with the macro
Visual Studio C++ 코드 Refactoring 기능 켜기
Windows 언어 utf-8 적용
1. 코드에 한글이 들어갈 경우 compile / build 시에 에러가 날 수 있기에
.h / .cpp 파일 저장시 encoding을 utf-8로 적용해야 한다.
2. 시스템 언어 encoding을 utf-8로 변경하고 재시작 한다.
시간 및 언어 -> 언어 및 지역 -> 기본 언어 설정 -국가 또는 지역 -> 유니코드를 지원하지 않는 프로그램용 언어